Sunday 13 February 2011

Next Commitee Meeting

The next commitee meeting will be held at the club house 19:30 on 9 May 2011

Thursday 10 February 2011

Minutes of AGM 27 January 2011



Thursday 27th January 2011, the Punch Bowl, Underbarrow

Present: Patricia Shiels, Lorraine Stanton, Wendy French, Ian Tomlinson, Jo Ainsworth, John Leigh, John Handley, Charlotte Webb, Sarah Rashleigh, Glen Sutcliffe, Julie Young

1. Apologies: Dennis Wessen, Isabelle Helaine, Dan Shiels, Peter Hensman, Judy Pateson

2. Minutes of the AGM 2010 agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising: None

4. Chairman’s Report: Charlotte Webb reported that the last year had been a year of slightly greater involvement following on from the good turnout from the previous year’s AGM and the appointment of a new secretary, treasurer and chairman and new committee members. She gave thanks all round for everyone’s support,

The two court maintenance days had received a good turnout and the Tennis Club’s stall at the annual Strawberry Tea held by the village Field Committee took more money on the day than last year. This enabled the Club to donate more funds to help towards the maintenance of the bowling green, play area and club house.

Social occasions do not attract the same amount of interest and it was suggested that the committee may have to have a re-think on social activities to attract more members. The two socials that were arranged – BBQ and Christmas Social – were enjoyed by those who attended. S Rashleigh thanked Charlotte for putting on the Mince Pies evening.

5. Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Rashleigh reported healthy accounts for the year (up around £600) and produced a copy for the records. We have received more income than expenditure. The accounts are with Santander and Sarah has now set up On Line Banking. £3000 has been transferred into the deposit account to accrue interest. Sarah has requested a monthly statement and this is to begin soon.

The current membership is around 45. Three family memberships have not renewed. TS enquired about their reasons for leaving and Sarah confirmed that she had not received any response from them following a chase-up letter. Most members now are paying by Standing Order with only a few exceptions. It was agreed that there was no need for a Subscription increase at the present time.

6. Election of Officers and Committee: Julie Young read out an email from Dennis Wessen who has resigned from the committee. All agreed that there is no need to enlarge the committee at the present time as it is a healthy size. All officers are happy.

7. Business:

(a) Coaching: Trish Shiels reported that Dan Shiels is happy to organize coaching again this year. Wendy French reported that James Wright is keen to run the coaching again and it was agreed that Dan should contact James. Sarah Rashleigh asked Trish to ask Dan to speak to her about the monies as there was apparently some problem with this last year due to adults/children costs. Ian Tomlinson requested that Julie Young provides Dan with an up to date Mailing List to ensure that no-one misses out on the chance of coaching again as happened last year. Julie Young offered to send out this email to all members once Dan has sorted out the details. Trish suggested that a Reserve List may be a good idea as last year nearly every week there was someone missing from the coaching. James prefers no more than 8 in a group and it was suggested that we may have to increase the amount of sessions if there is a high demand. A suggestion of groups was Children/Teenagers/Adults.

James Wright will be running Sunday coaching up at Windermere School at 9.30 am for 8 weeks, possibly starting in March and he has invited anyone to join this coaching. Wendy will ask James if he has a notice to put up.

(b) Team Tennis: Charlotte wondered if we should have an enthusiastic drive to set up a team or did members already play for other clubs? The problem of being involved in Team Tennis is that we really need two courts. Each team has 6 (3 men, 3 women). Wendy found last time that it was difficult to find 6 people available and some could not make the away matches. It was agreed that it is too difficult to get a commitment from members and there is the opportunity of playing competitive matches with James Wright at Windermere School if members wish to do this. Dan to check with James also if there is the opportunity for Juniors to play matches at Windermere School.

(c) What do people want from the Club? It was agreed that we should try to encourage more juniors. In the past the schools have not responded to letters but we should keep trying. Wendy suggested sending the local school flyers for the children to take home in their school bags. A discussion took place about letting the school children have use of the court during the school day. John Handley will speak to the Headmistress at Crosthwaite School and inform her of the coaching and Charlotte will update the tennis club website and the Parish Magazine.

All agreed that the main aim of the Club is to provide members with the facility to book and play tennis on an excellent court in a beautiful area.

Sarah reported that she had found it difficult to find people to play tennis with, having come in new to the area. It was agreed that the internal ladder never gets going because of its mechanism. A grid method was suggested as an easier alternative to getting people to play each other. Julie is to send out an email to ask members if they would like to go on some sort of list to play other members – when they want to play/if they want to play singles or doubles etc. A draft is to be compiled by Julie/Charlotte and Sarah.

8. Any other Business

(a) Wimbledon – Lorraine asked why members missed out on the allocation of the first batch of tickets last year. Charlotte explained that we applied in time but missed the deadline for replying and our tickets were re-pooled. This will be avoided this year. Charlotte made the point that in order to obtain a ticket each individual member must be registered with the Lawn Tennis Association. This is a Free Service so all members should register. Julie will send out an email to all members to ask them to do this.

(b) Netting – John Leigh suggested that we erect netting to eliminate the sun’s evening glare. It was agreed that this would be useful and John will investigate the cost of this.

(c) Maintenance/Brush Off Day – This will be organized at the next committee meeting following Charlotte liasing with Dennis. Also at the next meeting Lorraine suggested we discuss the possibility of inviting Junior Members to a BBQ/Community Fun Evening to help with maintenance.

9. Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 9th February 2011, 7.30pm at The PunchBowl, Underbarrow.

The meeting was closed by Charlotte at 8.05pm who gave a vote of thanks to all for attending.

Friday 28 January 2011

Commitee Meeting

The Next Crosthwaite & Lyth Tennis Club Commitee meeting will be at 7:30 pm on the 9 February 2011, at The Punchbowl, Underbarrow.